Does any (or all) of this sound familiar?
You’ve put everyone else first for so long…
You don’t know how to MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY…
You feel tired and foggy a lot of the time…
You’ve got ACHES and PAINS in places you never had before…
You don’t sleep well and thinking about that fact makes it even worse…
You gain weight just by looking at a cookie…hello menopause middle.
You thought by this time in your life you would have less STRESS, not MORE!
You’ve tried all the things but nothing seems to work…
I know exactly how it feels because I’ve been there too!
Imagine…you running your day instead of it running you.
Feeling strong and confident.
Knowing the right way to move and eat to actually get results.
Waking up with little or no pain.
Being consistent.
It is possible to feel amazing and live a long, healthy, joyful life!
Hi there! I’m Jo-Ann
As a menopause fitness & nutrition coach and Yoga Teacher, I’ve supported hundreds of women to gracefully and joyfully transition into their 50s and 60s. I know how important it is to build consistency into your day so that you can prioritize yourself and your wellbeing.
As women, we tend to put everyone else first, instead of listening to the signals our body is sending us – hello exhaustion, aches, pains, brain fog! and let’s not forget that menopausal weight gain!
Feeling busy all of the time, while dealing with hormone imbalances and the aches and pains that keep us awake at night, is no way to live.
YOU deserve more! You deserve to feel great in your body. You deserve to put yourself first and live a long, healthy, joyful life!
Make this the year to prioritize YOU!